How to Use Your Pendulum with a Multiple Choice Chart

You may not be able to judge a book by its cover... but your pendulum can! You aren't limited to "yes/no" questions when you use a chart. Answering multiple choice questions are a great way to put your pendulum to work.

For this exercise, you'll need a a pendulum and blank multiple choice chart - either the one available here or one that you make yourself. The pendulum does not need to be programmed.

Multiple Choice Pendulum Chart

Pictured above is a blank pendulum chart. You can purchase the downloadable chart at our Etsy shop, or draw your own chart using the one here as an example.

When you have the chart in front of you, write the title and author of each book you're considering for your next read into a pie slice. If there are more pie slices than book choices (there are 10 on this chart), leave blanks in between. Avoid clumping choices all to one side - rather, distribute the choices evenly across the chart. If there are more books than pie slices, divide them into groups and make multiple charts. Before beginning, be sure to state the source of your pendulum's answers.

To begin - Hold your pendulum over the spot indicated by the the arrow. The question you ask will depend on your objective in selecting the book. Here are some examples of possible questions you might be asking:

Which of these books will...
    serve my needs best at this stage of my life?
    provide me the most reading enjoyment?
    provide the most valuable, most relevant business skills?
    contain the recipes for foods I'm able to cook and really like?

Of course, this chart is not limited to selecting books. You can use it for anything you want. Keep some one on hand for life's many multiple choice decisions.

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