How to Use Your Pendulum to Check the Validity of Advise

Every day we are given "helpful" information or advice by a variety of sources. Your pendulum is the perfect tool to determine if the advice is true, false, or even relevant to you.

For this task, you'll need a pendulum that's programmed for yes/no answers. Before beginning, be sure to state the source of your pendulum's answers.

Here's an example of how this task might be used:

Let's say an acquaintance tells you about a workshop that she recently attended. She said she thinks you should take it too, that you'd really enjoy it and get a lot out of it. But money's tight and it's big commitment. It's also potentially a big opportunity. You're on the fence. What do you do? Ask your pendulum!

With pendulum in hand, you can say, "Is it in my best interest to attend the _________________ (name/title of workshop) on _________ (date) at _________ (name of the place)?" Be specific in your question. Include dates, locations, and instructor names if possible. You can also ask about the monetary aspect of it. For example, you can ask "If I enroll in the ___________ workshop, will it be the highest and best use of my $300?" Don't be afraid to ask big picture questions too. For example, you can ask "If I take this workshop, will it change my life?" What may have been true for the acquaintance might be quite different for you - and your pendulum is great way to help you sort that out.

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